Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Let's get started

We live in a very interesting place, all around us whether we acknowledge it or not things are happening. Each and everyone of us has a different view of the world; this blog will let you see the world through my eyes.

I graduated this year and proudly set off into the real world with my Bachelors degree in hand and all the knowledge a major in Wildlife Biology can provide. With this background, I will look at various aspects of the green movement, fashion, arts and crafts and whatever else happens to tickle my fancy.

Let's start off with my latest project: homemade toothpaste.

Crest MultiCare Whitening toothpasteImage via Wikipedia
Although very random, this idea came to me after flipping through Starre Vartan's The Eco Chick Guide to Life: How to Be Fabulously Green. In her book, Vartan points out that toothpaste contains trace amounts of chemicals which are toxic when ingested - hence the warning signs on the back of the tube - and ingredients such as triclosan (a registered pesticide), potassium nitrate, parabens, and potassium nitrate which are recognized to have a negative impact on aquatic ecosystems. Vartan also commented on the pollution generated by the tubes and packaging.
For the sake of the planet, which I hold very dear, and the simple satisfaction of my inquisitive mind, I ran to the nearest pharmacy to get what I needed.
  • 3 drops Organic peppermint oil
  • 3 tbs Baking Soda
  • 1 tbs Salt
  • 3 tsp Glycerin
Mix this all together and store in a covered container to keep it from drying out and there you have it, your very own eco-friendly toothpaste.

I've been using it for a couple of days now and apart from the baking soda taste, it's quite pleasant and I have had no complaints about bad breath. However, after doing a little more research, it turns out baking soda also has a negative environmental impact and cinnamon oil (another suggested flavour) may cause plasma cell gingivitis.

There are organic alternatives available but they are more expensive and still contribute to filling our landfills. So, even though homemade toothpaste is not completely eco-friendly, it's the best thing yet, not to mention it being inexpensive, easy and fun to make.

If you want to read about more eco-friendly steps you can take, you can buy the book. The cheapest place I have found is amazon.

Take care!


  1. thanks for the tip ! I'll try that!! :)

  2. Order a Sparkling White Smiles Custom Teeth Whitening System online and enjoy BIG SAVINGS!
    * 10 shades whiter in days!
    * Professional Results Are Guaranteed.
    * As good as your dentist, for a fraction of the cost.
    * Same Teeth Whitening Gel as dentists use.


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