Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy February! Go Play in the Snow!

 Building a Snowman by Emilie D. Wolf

We have made it through half the winter! Yeah! I know some of us are getting tired of the layers, the cold and the brown slush but that's not reason to stay inside. Self magazine published this great article about the benefits of dawning your winter gear and heading outside for some winter fun. Heading outside even for 5 min can reduce symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) a.k.a winter blues.
Here are some things to can do while your out there courtesy of Jennifer Matlack or Self Magazine.

If you have 5 min... do something fun. Start a snowball fight, push someone into (a clean) snowbank, kick an ice block around, build a snowman. Just 5 minutes will Lift your mood and increase your feeling of self-worth.

If you have 8-10 min... connect with your environment. Look for birds, squirrels, animal tracks your not the only one coping with the weather or even help your neighbor clean off their car. Netta Weinstein Ph.D. - psychologist at the University of Essex noted that being in contact with nature makes you feel bonded, it triggers caring feelings for others.

If you have 15 min... restore your brain power. David Strayer Ph.D - psychologist at the University of Uttah tells us taking a step outside will help restore your mind, it's ability to concentrate, solve problems and be creative.
If you have 20 min... recharge your batteries with walk through a park. Take the time to notice what is going on around you, not everything is sleeping. Being surrounded by nature and taking the time to silently watch the peacefulness is energizing.  I'll be posting pictures of my latest nature walks before the end of this week, I saw some great things.

So go ahead, go play outside!

Take care!

Matlack, Jennifer. "Go On, Take it Outside." Self Feb. 2011: 29.

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